Monday, 28 November 2011

Swiss Journal of Psychology

Swiss Journal of Psychology The Swiss Journal of Psychology serves as a forum for the scientific discussion of all areas of psychology and their applications. Its central concern is the mediating function:
* between different fields of psychology
* between research and applications
* between psychology in culturally different areas both within Switzerland as well as in other nations
The Swiss Journal of Psychology is the official publication of the Swiss Psychological Society. It publishes articles in German, French and English language.
Swiss Journal of Psychology is abstracted/indexed in Social Sciences Citation Index (SCIE), Social Scisearch, Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences, Journal Citation Reports/ Social Sciences Edition, PSYCLIT (Psychological Abstracts), PSYNDEX, PsycINFO, PsyJOURNALS, Europ. Reference List for the Humanities (ERIH), IBZ, IBR, and Scopus. 

Training and Education in Professional Psychology

Training and Education in Professional Psychology Training and Education in Professional Psychology® is dedicated to enhancing supervision and training provided by psychologists. The journal will publish manuscripts that contribute to and advance professional psychology education.
The Editorial Board of Training and Education in Professional Psychology® (TEPP) encourages the APPIC membership, the membership of the academic training councils, and all members of the psychology education community to examine issues relevant to the process and procedures of psychology education and training and contribute manuscripts to this journal.
TEPP is specifically for psychologists and other mental health professionals who educate, supervise, and train mental health practitioners during their academic programs as well as during their participation at practicum, internship, and postdoctoral settings.
Manuscripts for TEPP can be research or theory based. All manuscripts must focus on the practical implications of the proposed theory or summarized research. Any topic in the general area of supervision, training, or the process of education leading to licensure is appropriate for examination and discussion in TEPP.
TEPP manuscripts examine such topics as:
* Supervision theory and process
* Supervision procedures
* Supervisory relationship
* Supervisee problems and due process issues
* Training activities
* Ethical and legal aspects of training and supervision
* Boundary issues
* Training in research and scholarly activity
* Research into the process of supervision
* The process of training leading to licensure

Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology

Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology About the journal
The Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology, originally founded in 1890, is the oldest psychology journal in Europe and the second oldest in the world. One of the founding editors was Hermann Ebbinghaus. Since 2007, it is published in English and devoted to topical issues that provide state-of-the-art overviews of current research in psychology.
The Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology publishes high-quality research from all branches of empirical psychology that is clearly of international interest and relevance, and does so in four topical issues per year. Each topical issue is carefully compiled by guest editors and generally features one broad Review Article accompanied by Original Articles from leading researchers as well as additional shorter contributions such as Research Spotlights (presenting details of individual studies or summaries of particularly interesting work in progress), Horizons (summarizing important recent or future meetings or outlining future directions of work), and Opinion pieces that provide a platform for both established and alternative views on aspects of the issue’s topic. The guest editors and the editorial team are assisted by an experienced international editorial board and external reviewers to ensure that the journal’s strict peer-review process is in keeping with its long and honorable tradition of publishing only the best of psychological science. The subjects being covered are determined by the editorial team after consultation within the scientific community, thus ensuring topicality. The Zeitschrift für Psychologie / Journal of Psychology thus brings convenient, cutting-edge compilations of the best of modern psychological science, each covering an area of current interest.

Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics

Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics The Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics® (JNPE) is the first peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original research at the interface of neuroscience, psychology, business, and economic sciences. An interdisciplinary journal, JNPE serves as an appropriate outlet for articles designed to be of interest to its broad audience of scholars and professionals.
Manuscripts that use scientific methods in psychology, neuroscience, or economics to better understand any topic of relevance to economics or business are appropriate for submission. Of special interest are studies aiming at the investigation of causal relationships, e.g., intervention studies.
Topics may include (but are not restricted to):
* Biological basis of economic preferences and personality (e.g., genetic, endocrinological, or neurophysiological)
* Interaction of environmental and biological factors in the formation of preferences, personality, and cognitive skills
* Application of neuroscienctific measures to improve our understanding of individual and group decision making
* The role of emotion and emotion regulation in economic decision making
Manuscripts may be conceptual or empirical in nature, and feature quantitative and/or qualitative analysis.

Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications

Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications Aims and Scope
The Journal of Media Psychology (JMP, ISSN 1864-1105) is committed to publishing original, high-quality papers which cover the broad range of media psychological research, including various media, applications, and user groups. The journal is also open to research from neighboring disciplines as far as this work ties in with psychological concepts of the uses and effects of the media. The journal in particular invites submissions that are multidisciplinary and reflect a broader theoretical and methodological spectrum. Submissions of comparative work, e.g., cross-media, cross-gender, or cross-cultural, are encouraged. Publications of original empirical studies are accompanied by theoretical and state-of-the-art review articles. To ensure short turn-around cycles for manuscript review and fast publication, the Journal of Media Psychology relies heavily upon electronic communication and information exchange, starting from electronic submission and continuing throughout the entire review and production process.
Tradition and Innovation
The Journal of Media Psychology builds up on almost 20 years of tradition and experience in publishing high-quality research in the Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie (ZMP). While ZMP focused on German and European media research, JMP takes up the challenges of the more globalized and globalizing media world by offering an international publication platform. JMP has an internationally renowned team of editors and reviewers from all the relevant areas of media psychology, to cover a broad spectrum of research and to ensure the highest scientific standards. 

Journal of Individual Differences

Journal of Individual Differences About the Journal
Researchers, teachers, and students interested in all areas of individual differences (e.g., gender, temperament, personality, intelligence) and their assessment in human and animal research will find the Journal of Individual Differences useful. The Journal of Individual Differences publishes manuscripts dealing with individual differences in behavior, emotion, cognition, and their developmental aspects. This includes human as well as animal research. The Journal of Individual Differences is conceptualized to bring together researchers working in different areas ranging from, for example, molecular genetics to theories of complex behavior. Moreover, it places emphasis on papers dealing with special methodological and conceptual issues in basic science as well as in their applied fields (assessment of personality and intelligence).
Abstracting/Indexing Services
Journal of Individual Differences is abstracted/indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC/S&BS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), PsycINFO, and PSYNDEX.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General The Journal of Experimental Psychology: General® publishes articles describing empirical work that bridges the traditional interests of two or more communities of psychology.
The work may touch on issues dealt with in JEP: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, JEP: Human Perception and Performance, JEP: Animal Behavior Processes, or JEP: Applied, but may also concern issues in other subdisciplines of psychology, including social processes, developmental processes, psychopathology, neuroscience, or computational modeling.
Articles in JEP: General may be longer than the usual journal publication if necessary.
Brief reports will also be accepted (up to 3,000 words, excluding title, references, author affiliations, acknowledgments, figures and figure legends, but including the abstract). Brief reports will be rejected without review by editors at a higher rate than longer articles and the Journal will only accept the most innovative and significant empirical and theoretical contributions, with a preference for work that impacts more than one area of psychology.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition The Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition® publishes original experimental studies on basic processes of cognition, learning, memory, imagery, concept formation, problem solving, decision making, thinking, reading, and language processing.
The journal emphasizes empirical reports, which may be either multi-experiment, integrative articles, or research reports. Research reports are limited to 3,000 to 5,000 words in length (including references, but excluding abstract and footnotes).
The journal also publishes specialized reviews and other non-empirical reports, called observations, which are theoretical notes, commentary, or criticism on topics appropriate to the journal`s content area. The journal will only consider commentaries on articles that were published in the journal. Observations are limited to a maximum of twenty pages of text all-inclusive. Commentaries on articles should be at maximum half the length of the target article.

Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Journal of Abnormal Psychology The Journal of Abnormal Psychology® publishes articles on basic research and theory in the broad field of abnormal behavior, its determinants, and its correlates. The following general topics fall within its area of major focus:
* psychopathology—its etiology, development, symptomatology, and course;
* normal processes in abnormal individuals;
* pathological or atypical features of the behavior of normal persons;
* experimental studies, with human or animal subjects, relating to disordered emotional behavior or pathology;
* sociocultural effects on pathological processes, including the influence of gender and ethnicity; and
* tests of hypotheses from psychological theories that relate to abnormal behavior.
Theoretical papers of scholarly substance on abnormality may be appropriate if they advance understanding of a specific issue directly relevant to abnormal psychology and fall within the length restrictions of a regular (not extended) article. The priority is empirical papers.
Each article should represent an addition to knowledge and understanding of abnormal behavior in its etiology, description, or change.
In order to improve the use of journal resources, it has been agreed that the Journal of Abnormal Psychology will not consider articles dealing with the diagnosis or treatment of abnormal behavior, and the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology will not consider articles dealing with the etiology or descriptive pathology of abnormal behavior.
Therefore, a study that focuses primarily on treatment efficacy should be submitted to the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. However, a longitudinal study focusing on developmental influences or origins of abnormal behavior should be submitted to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

International Journal of Stress Management

International Journal of Stress Management The editorial focus of the International Journal of Stress Management® (IJSM) is the assessment, management, and treatment of stress and trauma, whether emotional, cognitive, behavioral, or physiological. Personal, occupational, organizational, and societal issues relevant to stress identification and management are also covered.
IJSM publishes articles that advance theory and practice and promotes methodologically sound research in stress identification and management across disciplines that include psychology and other social sciences, psychiatry, medicine, therapy and other healthcare, business and industry, humanities, arts, education, engineering, and others.
The journal publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed original research — qualitative and/or quantitative empirical, theoretical, historical, and review articles — as well as brief reports, book reviews, and editorials. Contributions to the IJSM come from an international array of scholars and practitioners who come from varied disciplines around the globe.
Manuscripts that advance theory, address real-world issues, expand theory and practice across cultures or regions, and/or take an interdisciplinary approach are encouraged. The Editor also encourages manuscripts linking social or environmental factors, with cognitive processes and physiological responses, as well as articles that address underrepresented populations.
Articles, written by scholars or practitioners, addressing prevention, coping and/or stress management are of particular relevance for this journal.

History of Psychology

History of Psychology History of Psychology® features refereed articles addressing all aspects of psychology`s past and of its interrelationship with the many contexts within which it has emerged and has been practiced.

It also publishes scholarly work in closely related areas, such as historical psychology (the history of consciousness and behavior), psychohistory, theory in psychology as it pertains to history, historiography, biography and autobiography, and the teaching of the history of psychology.

Health Psychology

Health Psychology Health Psychology is a scholarly journal devoted to understanding the scientific relations among psychological factors, behavior and physical health and illness. The readership is broad with respect to discipline, background, interests, and specializations.
The main emphasis of the journal is on original research, including integrative theoretical review papers, meta-analyses, treatment outcome trials, and brief scientific reports. Scholarly case studies, commentaries, and letters to the editor will also be considered.
Papers should have significant theoretical or practical importance for understanding relations among behavior, psychosocial factors, and physical health, as well as their application. All papers should emphasize, whenever possible, the translation of scientific findings for practice and policy.
Health Psychology publishes original scholarly articles on topics such as:
* Contextual factors that may contribute to disease or its prevention
* Prevention
* Interfaces among biological, psychosocial, social and behavioral factors in health
* Assessment approaches in health
* Health risk and resilience behavior
* Health promotion
* Child and adolescent health
* Couple and family relationships in health
* Lifespan approaches to health, including those related to older adults
* Evaluation and dissemination of treatment approaches that target the individual, family, group, multicenter, or community level
* Ethnicity, social class, gender and sexual orientation in health
* Health disparities
* Research methodology, measurement, and statistics in health psychology
* Implications of research findings for health-related policy
* Advances in health-related theory
* Innovations in technology
* Professional issues in health psychology, including training and supervision

Experimental Psychology

Experimental Psychology About the Journal
The Aims and Scope
As its name implies, Experimental Psychology (ISSN 1618-3169) publishes innovative, original, high-quality experimental research in psychology — quickly! It aims to provide a particularly fast outlet for such research, relying heavily on electronic exchange of information which begins with the electronic submission of manuscripts, and continues throughout the entire review and production process. The scope of the journal is defined by the experimental method, and so papers based on experiments from all areas of psychology are published. In addition to research articles, Experimental Psychology includes occasional theoretical and review articles.
Tradition and Innovation
Drawing on over 50 years of experience and tradition in publishing high-quality, innovative science as the Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, the new journal has an internationally renowned team of editors and reviewers from all the relevant areas of psychology, thus ensuring that the highest international standards are maintained.
Abstracting/Indexing Services
Experimental Psychology is abstracted/indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC/S&BS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Medline, PsyJOURNALS, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, ERIH, and Scopus.

European Journal of Psychological Assessment

European Journal of Psychological Assessment About the Journal
The main purpose of the EJPA is to present important articles which provide seminal information on both theoretical and applied developments in this field. Articles reporting the construction of new measures or an advancement of an existing measure are given priority. The journal is directed to practitioners as well as to academicians: The conviction of its editors is that the discipline of psychological assessment should, necessarily and firmly, be attached to the roots of psychological science, while going deeply into all the consequences of its applied, practice-oriented development.
Psychological assessment is experiencing a period of renewal and expansion, attracting more and more attention from both academic and applied psychology, as well as from political, corporate, and social organizations. The EJPA provides a meeting point for this movement, contributing to the scientific development of psychological assessment and to communication between professionals and researchers in Europe and worldwide.
The journal presents clearly written original papers, reviews, and case studies in all domains of psychological assessment.
Abstracting/Indexing Services
European Journal of Psychological Assessment is abstracted/indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC/S&BS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social SciSearch, PsycINFO, Psychological Abstracts, PSYNDEX, ERIH, and Scopus.

European Psychologist

European Psychologist About the Journal
The European Psychologist is a multidisciplinary journal that serves as the voice of psychology in Europe, seeking to integrate across all specializations in psychology and to provide a general platform for communication and cooperation among psychologists throughout Europe and worldwide. The journal accepts two kinds of contributions:
1. Original integrative articles constitute the core material published in the journal, and are state-of-the-art papers on research trends and developments within psychology, with possible reference to European perceptions or fields of specialization. Empirical articles will be considered only in rare circumstances when they present findings from major multinational, multidisciplinary or longitudinal studies, or present results with markedly wide relevance.
2. EFPA Documents are a central source of information on important legal, regulatory, ethical, and administrative matters of interest to members of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associtations (EFPA) and other psychologists working throughout Europe. Such items include: News, reports from congresses or EFPA task forces and member country organizations, policy statements, keynote and award addresses, archival or historical documents with relevance for all European psychologists, and calendars of forthcoming meetings.

Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention

Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention About the Journal
A must for all who need to keep up on the latest findings from both basic research and practical experience in the fields of suicide prevention and crisis intervention!
This well-established periodical’s reputation for publishing important articles on suicidology and crisis intervention from around the world is being further enhanced with the move to 6 issues per year (previously 4) in 2010.
But over and above its scientific reputation, Crisis also publishes potentially life-saving information for all those involved in crisis intervention and suicide prevention, making it important reading for clinicians, counselors, hotlines, and crisis intervention centers.
Abstracting/Indexing Services
Crisis - The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention is abstracted/indexed in Index Medicus, Medline, Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC/S&BS), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Social SciSearch, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, and Scopus.

British Journal of Developmental Psychology

British Journal of Developmental Psychology Overview
Aims and Scope
The British Journal of Developmental Psychology publishes full-length, empirical, conceptual, review and discussion papers, as well as brief reports, in all of the following areas:
• motor, perceptual, cognitive, social and emotional development in infancy;
• social, emotional and personality development in childhood, adolescence and adulthood;
• cognitive and socio-cognitive development in childhood, adolescence and adulthood, including the development of language, mathematics, theory of mind, drawings, spatial cognition, biological and societal understanding;
• atypical development, including developmental disorders, learning difficulties/disabilities and sensory impairments;
• the impact of genetic, biological, familial, interpersonal, educational, societal and cultural factors upon human psychological development;
• comparative approaches to behavioural development that help to elucidate developmental processes in humans;
• theoretical approaches to development, including neo-Piagetian, information processing, naïve theory, dynamic systems, ecological and sociocultural approaches.
The following types of paper are invited:
• papers reporting original empirical investigations;
• theoretical papers which may be analyses of, or commentaries on, established theories in developmental psychology, or presentations of theoretical innovations, extensions or integrations;
• review papers, which should aim to provide systematic overviews, analyses, evaluations or interpretations of research in a given field of developmental psychology, and identify issues requiring further research;
• methodological papers dealing with any methodological issues of particular relevance to developmental psychologists.
In those cases deemed appropriate, peer commentaries on key papers/reviews will be solicited from other researchers in the relevant field. These peer commentaries will be published immediately after the target article, with the authors(s) of the article being invited to write a response to the commentaries.
Only papers which report methodologically sound and rigorous research or which make a substantive contribution to the discipline are accepted for publication in the journal. 

Journal of Occupational Psychology

Journal of Occupational Psychology Overview
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology aims to increase understanding of people and organisations at work including:
• industrial, organizational, work, vocational and personnel psychology
• behavioural and cognitive aspects of industrial relations
• ergonomics and human factors
Innovative or interdisciplinary approaches with a psychological emphasis are particularly welcome. So are papers which develop the links between occupational/organisational psychology and other areas of the discipline, such as social and cognitive psychology.
We welcome the following varieties of paper:
• empirical research papers containing new quantitative or qualitative data which address significant theoretical and/or practical concerns;
• papers which offer new theory and conceptualisation, perhaps accompanied by a critique of existing approaches;
• narrative and/or quantitative reviews of existing research which lead to new conclusions or insights into a field of research and/or practice;
• prescriptive articles advocating changes in research paradigms, methods, or data analytic techniques;
• analyses of practice in occupational and organizational psychology, where such analyses are driven by theory and/or sound data

Rehabilitation Psychology

Rehabilitation Psychology Rehabilitation Psychology® is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of rehabilitation psychology.
Rehabilitation Psychology is the official journal of APA`s Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology). It is dedicated to the service of the Division and the broader fields of psychology and rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation psychologists consider the entire network of biological, psychological, social, environmental, and political factors that affect the functioning of persons with disabilities or chronic illness. Given the breadth of rehabilitation psychology, the journal`s scope is broadly defined.
Suitable submissions include
* papers describing experimental investigations
* survey research
* evaluations of specific interventions
* outcome studies
* historical perspectives
* relevant public policy issues
* conceptual/theoretical formulations with implications for clinical practice
* reviews of empirical research
* detailed case studies
* professional issues

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Call for Papers:Geologica Belgica

Geologica Belgica Scope of the journal :
Geologica Belgica is a Belgian journal that welcomes papers concerning all aspects of the earth sciences, with a particular emphasis on the regional geology of Belgium and central Africa. Submitted papers should be concise, presenting material not previously published. The journal encourages the publication of articles from Belgian junior authors. Short letters are accepted. Papers written in English are preferred, but papers in French, Dutch and German are also accepted. Each paper will be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
Periodicity :
One annual volume including fascicules (generaly from 2 to 4)
Editorial board :
Executive Editor: J.-C. Duchesne - Département de Géologie, Université de Liège - Sart Tilman, Bat. B20 - B-4000 Liège (
Associate Editor: M. Dusar - Geological Survey of Belgium - Jenner street, 13 - B-1000 Brussels
Editorial Board Members:
F. Boulvain : Université de Liège, Belgium
T. Camelbeeck : Observatoire Royal de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium
J.P. Liégeois : Africa Museum, Tervuren, Belgium
W. Fielitz : Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
A. Fransolet : Université de Liège, Belgium
H. Martin : Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France
F. Neuweiler : Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie, Göttingen, Germany
E. Steurbaut : Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium
J.L.R. Touret : Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
J.A. Winchester : University of Keele, United Kingdom

Call for Papers: International Regionalism in the Americas: internal dynamics and international projection

International Regionalism in the Americas: internal dynamics and international projection Scope of the journal :
The Journal Federalism-Regionalism investigates the political dynamics and the structures of complex political units: regional or federal states as well as international or supranational organisations. The intrusion of globalisation effects into political life, from the global to the local levels, are well illustrated by multi-level governance phenomena. Issues such as the distribution of decision-making powers and competences as well as the interactions between different levels and the related social processes are part of the fundamental questions raised by the journal Federalism-Regionalism.
Federalism-Regionalism was founded by the Centre for the Study of Federalism in 1989, at a turning point for Belgian federalism, the European Union and the new international order. It was revived in 1999 by Prof. Jean Beaufays (University of Liège). Since then, it has released on-line special issues, articles and reviews of scientific research. It is addressed to political scientists, sociologists, law students as well as political and social actors.
Edited on the University of Liège scientific periodic publication portal, Federalism-Regionalism is part of the open access journals networks.
The authors should submit articles to the following electronic address: The Journal issues articles in French, Dutch and English. Instructions for authors may be obtained by contacting the Assistant Editor.
Frequency of issue :
Issued in June and December, the Journal is henceforth a half-yearly publication.
The first issues were yearly. 

Call for Papers:Putting Evaluation in Place

Location, Location, Location: Putting Evaluation in Place Place-based approaches use local actors, knowledge and resources to provide coordinated, locally-relevant responses to issues that are seen to be too complex and long-term to have simple solutions, implemented by a lone actor. Examples include neighbourhood poverty reduction, eco-system protection and public health promotion strategies.
As a community, Prince George is different than Brampton, which is different than St. John’s. Place-based approaches are bottom-up interventions that acknowledge the impact local realities can have on program effectiveness. These are interventions that use multi-sectoral collaboration to tackle complex issues, and they take place in disparate communities across the country.
Determining which interventions work best, under which circumstances, and why, is fundamental to forming effective policy at the local and national level. Policy Horizons Canada responded to this need by launching a project on the evaluation of place-based approaches from a national government perspective. Having explored the characteristics of place-based approaches, and the evaluation challenges associated with these characteristics (see discovery paper and briefing note), the project sought to dig deeper, and commissioned several papers from experts in the evaluation field. The goals of the project included exploring the evidence base that has been established around place-based approaches; exploring stakeholder experiences with evaluation processes; and identifying innovative evaluation methods and tools. While not intended to be all-encompassing, these papers focused primarily on place-based initiatives with federal government involvement on a number of policy domains, representing the key pillars of sustainability.,-Location,-Location:-Putting-Evaluation-Place 

Call for Papers:CONNECTIONS: Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education at UNICAMP

CONNECTIONS: Journal of the Faculty of Physical Education at UNICAMP Focus and Scope
The Research Group in the History of Sport, Leisure and Physical Education in 1998 created the magazine Connections seeking to encourage and disseminate studies in the area. In 2003 the Journal began to be issued by the Faculty of Physical Education at UNICAMP with new serial numbering and every six months. Aims at the scientific quality, encouraging debate and exchange of information from a broad perspective and multidisciplinary field of research.
Process of peer review
Articles are evaluated by two researchers in the double-blind, may belong to the faculty of the ETF / UNICAMP or external drive.
The article will be necessary to refer to the external reviewer for the following:
- Specific areas where there are researchers specialized ETF`s teaching at Quad / UNICAMP;
- In case of discrepancy between the first two opinions.
The articles presented here are solely those of the author (s). The editors assume no responsibility for the concepts expressed in signed articles and material transcribed. The editors reserve the right to: select articles for publication; hear expert testimony to ascertain the quality of work, to revise the texts and make grammatical corrections since it does not change the content. 

Call for Papers:APA Annual Meeting

APA Annual Meeting Come and join your colleagues from across the U.S. and over 50 other countries for the psychiatry event of the year! Plan now to attend the 165th APA Annual Meeting, May 5-9, 2012, in the city of "Brotherly Love", Philadelphia, PA. For information on Philadelphia, select: Local Attractions. An exciting meeting is planned, so continue to visit this site for continuous updates and postings.
A full day of sessions starts on Saturday, May 5, at 8:00 a.m. Select Annual Meeting Schedule to view dates/times for registration, sessions, and exhibits. Refer to the APA Staff Contact List to reach the correct person for your Annual Meeting needs.
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Call for Papers:Product: Management & Develop­ment

Product: Management & Develop­ment SCOPE AND POLICY
The purpose of the Product: Management & Develop­ment is to the publication of original papers and review papers covering technological and scientific research related to management of product development.
The Journal publishes original contributions in the form of full-length articles, review articles, book reviews and letters to editor. Authors must agree not to publish elsewhere an article submitted and accepted by the Journal. Articles previ­ously published in proceedings of conferences can also be considered for publication; the event should be cited as a footnote on a title page. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to Product: Management & Development if and when the article is accepted for publication. Three to five referees will review each manuscript submitted. It will be the responsibil­ity of the Editors to interpret the assessment.
Manuscripts and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Four copies of the article are required. Authors are also requested to send a copy of the article in Word for Win­dows through a 3.5” diskette, zip disk or CD-ROM. It is im­perative that the electronic file contains all figures, graphics, tables and mathematical equations appearing in the article. Manuscripts should be submitted only in English.
A manuscript submitted for publication should be accom­panied by a cover page containing the full name of the author(s), the author for contact, institution address, phone number, e-mail address.
The papers should be writes in the third person in an objec­tive, formal and impersonal style. SI units should be used.
Manuscripts should be typed doubled-space, on one side of the page, using A4 sized paper, with 2,5 cm margins and font Times New Roman with point size 12. The pages should be numbered and not to excess twenty-for (24), including tables, figures and bibliographical references.
Manuscripts should be begin with title, followed by an abstract of the not more than 200 words: covering the aims of the work, methods used, results obtained and main con­clusions reached. From three to five keywords, for informa­tion retrieval purposes, should be indicated. The manuscripts should not contain the authors’ names. The body of the paper should be organized into logical sections sequentially numbered with no more than two grades of subheadings. Each section should be beginning on separate page: title, abstract and keywords; text; attachments; bibliographical references. Do not include footnotes.
References should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication. Either use “Recent work (NONAKA AND TAKEUCHI, 2000)…” or “Recently NONAKA AND TAKEUCHI (2000)…”. With four (4) or more names, use the form “NONAKA ET AL. (2000)…”. If two or more references would have the same identification, distinguish them by appending “a”, “b”, etc., to the year of publication.
Acceptable references include jour­nal articles, numbered papers, dissertations, thesis, published conference proceedings, preprints from conferences, books, submitted articles, if the journal is identified, and private com­munications.
Upon notification of acceptance, authors should submit two copies of final version and final manuscript disks in Word for Windows.

Call for Papers:International Conference on Higher Education

International Conference on Higher Education The International Conference on Higher Education was created on the initiative of İhsan Doğramacı, eminent Turkish pediatrician and educator, in 1981. It is a meeting of minds on significant issues in higher education, primarily university governance. It assembles experts in higher education (heads/administrators of higher education institutions, scholars, researchers and representatives of interested organizations and foundations).
The Conference is international with participants from all corners of the world, including North and Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
The Conference is independent, not linked to any national or international organization. It is a free forum for the exchange of opinions and experiences, views, and new trends in higher education and its management.
1) Definitions:
"I.C.H.E." stands for International Conference on Higher Education.
"President", "Honorary President" and "Secretary General" stand for the President, Honorary President and Secretary General of the I.C.H.E., respectively.
"One year" indicates the period between two meetings of the Conference, which may be more or less than 365 days.
"Bureau" means Bureau of the I.C.H.E..
2) Purpose:
The purpose of the I.C.H.E. is to bring together academic executives, academics and others interested in higher education at regular meetings, normally once a year, to discuss different aspects of higher education including problems, their solutions, and any other aspects which may be felt relevant. 

Call for Papers:Active Learning in Higher Education

Active Learning in Higher Education Active Learning in Higher Education is an international, peer reviewed publication for all those who teach and support learning in higher education and those who undertake or use research into effective learning, teaching and assessment in universities and colleges. The journal is devoted to all aspects of development, innovations and good practice in higher education teaching and learning, including the use of information and communication technologies and issues concerning the management of teaching and learning.
As digital natives from the ‘wired’ Net Generation permeate today’s classrooms, and educators adapt to students’ digital expectations, exploring the pedagogical use of educational technology is essential for today’s faculty. Student competency in oral communication and presentation skills transcends disciplines in higher education, as does the need for students to self-assess their performance for self-regulated learning. This study compared the self-perceptions of undergraduate communication/journalism and nursing students who used lecture capture technology for critiquing and analyzing their presentation skills with self-perceptions of students who did not use lecture capture technology. Findings revealed students in both groups lacked self-confidence and competence in presentation skills. Of significance, students using lecture capture technology were more likely to apply what they learned from the self-assessment when developing future presentations. It is suggested that faculty focus on presentation skill delivery, in addition to presentation content, to assist students in developing presentation competencies.

Call for Papers:Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies

Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies is a peer-reviewed journal published by the School of History, Politics and Strategic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia since 1971. In 2007, the Editorial Board with the support from the School`s management decided to introduce an online version of the journal under the concepts of free and open access. However, we still honor the printed edition orders but subject to demand. We charge the printed edition accordingly.
The journal contains studies extending our knowledge on history, politics, international relations inter as well as intercultural relations, strategic studies and peace research. Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies is committed to the publication of scholarship in the fields of social sciences and humanities. It particularly focuses on bringing together scholarly research works from a philosophical, textual, social, scientific and human studies background related to archeology, oral history, comparative politics, government, gender studies, political violence, area studies, regional and international politics, international inter and intra-cultural communication, and peace and conflict studies.
Aims and Scope
The journal contains studies extending our knowledge on history, politics, international relations inter as well as intercultural relations, strategic studies and peace research. Jebat: Malaysian Journal of History, Politics and Strategic Studies is committed to the publication of scholarship in the fields of social sciences and humanities. It particularly focuses on bringing together scholarly research works from a philosophical, textual, social, scientific and human studies background related to archeology, oral history, comparative politics, government, gender studies, political violence, area studies, regional and international politics, international inter and intra-cultural communications, and peace and conflict studies. 

Call for Papers:Conference on Islamic Economic Systems

Conference on Islamic Economic Systems History, Politic & Strategy
Title: Conference on Islamic Economic Systems
When: 28.11.2011 - 30.11.2011
Location: Kuala lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Description: Theme : Concept on Islamic Economic System, Muamalat, Land, Country`s Financial Flow Chart & Taxes
Further details:
28 to 30 November 2011
Kuala lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact name: Ms. Fauzana Zanuddin

Call for Papers:Conference on Islamic Political System

Conference on Islamic Political System History, Politic & Strategy
Title: Conference on Islamic Political System
When: 28.11.2011 - 30.11.2011
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Description: Theme : Islam and Democracy, Leadership Qualitiesin Islamic Politis, Women Participation in IslamicPolitics, Islamic Movement, Political Cooperation,Electoral Participation, Jihad & The Non Muslimsin Islamic Politics
Further details: 28 to 30 November 2011
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact name: Ms. Fauzana Zanuddin

Call for Papers: International Conference on Tropical Forest amidst Globalisation and Climate Change

International Conference on Tropical Forest amidst Globalisation and Climate Change Social and Physical Environment
Title: International Conference on Tropical Forest amidst Globalisation and Climate Change (TFGCC 2011)
When: 29.11.2011 - 30.11.2011
Location: Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Description: 29 to 30 November 2011
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Contact name: Secretariat TFGCC 2011
Theme: How Can Social Science Contribute to the Debate on Tropical Forest amidst Globalisation and Climate Change?
Organized by: Institute of Agricultural and Food Policy Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 20 August 2011

Call for Papers:World-Islam2011 : Conference on Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective

World-Islam2011 : Conference on Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective History, Politic & Strategy
Title: World-Islam2011 : Conference on Science and Technology from Islamic Perspective
When: 28.11.2011 - 30.11.2011
Location: Kuala lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Description: 28 November 2011 Kuala lumpur Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Organized by: National Scholars Association (ILMUAN) Malaysia
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 7 September 2011

Call for Papers:World-Islam2011 : Conference on Islamic Quality Systems

World-Islam2011 : Conference on Islamic Quality Systems History, Politic & Strategy
Title: World-Islam2011 : Conference on Islamic Quality Systems
When: 28.11.2011 - 30.11.2011
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Description: Website:
Contact name: Ms. Nor Fauzana
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Theme : Foundation of Islamic Quality System, Intergration of Islamic Quality System, Al-Quran & Al Hadith evidences on Quality, Quality practices during time of Prophet & Sahabah many more
Organized by: National Scholars Association Malaysia
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 7 September 2011

Call for Papers: Conference on Islamic Political System

Conference on Islamic Political System Conference on Islamic Political System

Theme : Islam and Democracy, Leadership Qualitiesin Islamic Politis, Women Participation in IslamicPolitics, Islamic Movement, Political Cooperation,Electoral Participation, Jihad & The Non Muslimsin Islamic Politics
Further details: The deadline for abstracts/proposals is 07
September 2011.
Web address:
Sponsored by: National Scholars Association
(ILMUAN) Malaysia

Call for Papers: journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities e-BANGI Journal is a refereed electronic journal of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSK), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Bangi, Selangor.e-BANGI, Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
The purpose of having an electronic journal by the Faculty is in line with the UKM’s official status as a research university under the 9th Malaysia Plan. As an electronic journal, e-Bangi Journal provides an additional premise for intellectual discourse, dissemination of research findings and theoretical debates among academics and researchers in Malaysia and world-wide.
Call for Papers
Faculty members, and the academic community outside the faculty, are encouraged to submit articles, research notes and book reviews on all aspects relating to social sciences and humanities in Malaysian and Southeast Asian contexts.
Research Areas
- Social and Physical Environment,
- History, Politic & Strategy,
- Malay Language, Literature and Cultural Studies,
- Media & Communication,
- Psychology & Human Development,
- Language & Linguistic.
More about e-BANGI
e-BANGI Journal is bilingual, that is Bahasa Malaysia and English and publication of articles will be twice a year. Submissions for publication will be refereed by the editorial committee as well as experts associated with the themes of the respective submissions.
Papers are indexed by google scholar and MyAis (Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System.) 

Call for Papers: Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences

Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences (PJSS) is an E-Journal with International Referees. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Focus and Scope
Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences is published online as a service to sport sciences areas worldwide. It is a multidisciplinary journal concerned with Sport Management, Leisure and Recreation, P.E. and Sport Education, Sport Psychology, Sport and Health, Movement and Training, Exercise Psychology and related areas with Sport Sciences.
The journal encourages collaboration between scholars and practitioners. It welcomes submissions reporting research, new applications, advances in theory, and case studies. The language of publication is English and Turkish.
Peer Review Process
All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening, followed by double-blind, anonymized refereeing by two referees, plus refereeing by the journal’s editor in cases the two referees disagree.
Publication Frequency
3 times a year
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Call for Papers: Progress in Systems and Informatics

Progress in Systems and Informatics Location
The physical facilities of the Faculty are distributed mainly in the Campus Robledo, and has two buildings on Central Campus. The Campus Robledo, Robledo also called Core, or more popularly as the School of Mines, is located to the north - west of the city of Medellin, Robledo neighborhood is composed of three fields separated by Race 80, which presents a high vehicular traffic hindering pedestrian connection between the properties that make up the physical structure of the School of Mines, and Ingeominas, recently integrated into the National University. Robledo Campus has an area of ​​71,376 m², generous open spaces, pedestrian areas and green areas.
For 2020, the School of Mines displays a country with greater technological capability, technological learning accumulated derived based on the solution of complex problems. Consolidating the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation will be the basis for an indigenous technology development, which will be reflected in a more prosperous and better living.
School`s contribution to building that vision passes through the training of leaders graduates, the contribution to scientific and technical knowledge to solve major national problems, strengthening the contribution of engineering to generate wealth through innovation and technological development.
To train professionals with undergraduate and graduate design capacity. Develop research and university extension, to encourage innovation and technological development and knowledge generation in the different branches of engineering and contribute to the solution of national problems, the utilization of the country`s resources and improving the quality of life of the population.
Our graduates must also have the professional and scientific excellence, good human, sensitivity to environmental problems and ability to innovate. Technological innovation will be present, as a result of research projects in research and extension and extension to be developed in the Faculty must comply with international standards and be socially relevant.
Graduates must have the seal of the College represented in its motto: "Work and Righteousness" and its tradition in leading the development of the country.

Call for Papers:Pyrenees

Pyrenees Pyrenees. Journal of Mountain Ecology publishes papers related to the dynamics of mountain ecosystems, ie the processes and relationships that exist between living things and between the latter and the environment in a unique space like the higher regions of the planet. Try, therefore, contribute to explaining the overall operation of the mountain regions and the spatial organization of resources and processes in an integrated perspective in which the man also exerts an important role.
Pyrenees accepts original works with new and important scientific data for the whole mountain ecology, especially those that provide information on flows between subsystems, the influence of man on the transformation of the mountain environment, trophic relationships between living things and operation of the different aspects that constitute the base of the mountain ecosystems.
Pyrenees is indexed in SCOPUS, and included in Master Journal List, database Zoological Record, Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge.
Pyrenees provides immediate access and unrestricted access to all your content from the time of publication
Focus and Scope
Pyrenees. Journal of Mountain Ecology publishes papers related to the dynamics of mountain ecosystems, ie the processes and relationships that exist between living things and between the latter and the environment in a unique space like the higher regions of the planet. Try, therefore, contribute to explaining the overall operation of the mountain regions and the spatial organization of resources and processes in an integrated perspective in which the man also exerts an important role.
Pyrenees accepts original works with new and important scientific data for the whole mountain ecology, especially those that provide information on flows between subsystems, the influence of man on the transformation of the mountain environment, trophic relationships between living things and operation of the different aspects that constitute the base of the mountain ecosystems. 

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Call for Papers: International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry

International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry Overview
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry publishes papers on all aspects of paediatric dentistry: preventive, restorative and orthodontic treatment for children, behavioural management, and aspects of community dentistry related to children.
Aims and Scope
The International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry was formed in 1991 by the merger of the Journals of the International Association of Paediatric Dentistry and the British Society of Paediatric Dentistry and is published bi-monthly. It has true international scope and aims to promote the highest standard of education, practice and research in paediatric dentistry world-wide.
International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry publishes papers on all aspects of paediatric dentistry including: growth and development, behaviour management, prevention, restorative treatment and issue relating to medically compromised children or those with disabilities. This peer-reviewed journal features scientific articles, reviews, case reports, clinical techniques, short communications and abstracts of current paediatric dental research. Analytical studies with a scientific novelty value are preferred to descriptive studies. Case reports illustrating unusual conditions and clinically relevant observations are acceptable but must be of sufficiently high quality to be considered for publication; particularly the illustrative material must be of the highest quality.
international journal of paediatric dentistry, dental disease, dental health, dentistry, infectious disease, oral health, orthodontics, paediatrics, pediatrics, teeth
Abstracting and Indexing Information
* Current Contents: Clinical Medicine (Thomson Reuters)
* HEED: Health Economic Evaluations Database (Wiley-Blackwell)
* IBIDS: International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (NIH) 

Call for Papers:Journal of Clinical Nursing

Journal of Clinical Nursing Overview
The Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN) is an international, peer reviewed, scientific journal that seeks to promote the development and exchange of knowledge that is directly relevant to all spheres of nursing and midwifery practice. The primary aim is to promote a high standard of clinically related scholarship which supports the practice and discipline of nursing. JCN publishes high quality papers on issues related to clinical nursing, regardless of where care is provided. This includes - but is not limited to - ambulatory care, community care, family care, home, hospital, practice, primary and secondary, and public health.
The Journal also aims to promote the international exchange of ideas and experience that draws from the different cultures in which practice takes place. Further, JCN seeks to enrich insight into clinical need and the implications for nursing intervention and models of service delivery. A strong emphasis is placed on promoting critical debate on the art and science of nursing practice.JCN endeavors to attract a wide readership that embraces experienced clinical nurses, student nurses and those who support, inform and investigate nursing practice. The development of clinical practice and the changing patterns of inter-professional working are also central to JCN`s scope of interest. As such, contributions are welcomed from other health professions on issues that have a direct impact on nursing practice.JCN is divided into two categories outlined below. Each category publishes 12 issues per year (one issue from each category is distributed jointly each month).JCN: Clinical nursing knowledge & interventions publishes scholarly papers relating to a range of themes within the context of clinical nursing, across all care sectors, care settings and countries; for example:
* Development, testing, dissemination and application of clinical knowledge and theory
* Development of clinical research, evaluation, evidence-based practice and scientific enquiry
* The nature of nursing need, intervention, social interaction and models of service delivery
Examination of clinical decision-making JCN: Professional roles, patients’ experiences & family participation publishes scholarly papers relating to a range of themes within the context of clinical nursing, across all care sectors, care settings and countries; for example:

* Role development and inter-disciplinary working, exploring the scope and changing boundaries of clinical nursing
* International issues, including cultural comparisons and evaluations of nursing practice in different health sectors, social and geographical settings
* Practice development and its evaluation
* Clinical nursing leadership.

Call for Papers:Tropical Medicine & International Health

Tropical Medicine & International Health Aims and Scope
Tropical Medicine & International Health is a monthly peer-reviewed journal. We publish internationally significant work on:
* infectious and non-infectious disease;
* parasitology;
* clinical diseases and medicine of the tropics;
* epidemiological theory and fieldwork;
* tropical medical microbiology;
* medical entomology;
* tropical public health and community medicine;
* international health policy;
* health economics.
We do not publish:
* case reports or small case series;
* book reviews;
* studies of a purely qualitative and/or descriptive nature, without quantifiable impact on human health;
* studies that involve fieldwork, personnel and infrastructure abroad, but fail to involve local authors;
* studies that are only locally relevant.
Tropical Medicine & International Health is the successor to, and combines and integrates the Annales de la Societé Belge de Médecine Tropicale, the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tropical and Geographical Medicine (incorporating Acta Leidensia) and Tropical Medicine and Parasitology.
tropical medicine & international health, drug resistance, entomology, epidemiology, geographical medicine, health care, health care policies, infectious disease, parasites, parasitology, public health, tropical medicine
Abstracting and Indexing Information
* Abstracts in Anthropology (Baywood Publishing)
* Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (CABI)
* Academic Search (EBSCO)
* Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)
* Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) 

Call for Papers:The Plant Journal

The Plant Journal Aims and Scope
Publishing the best original research papers in all key areas of modern plant biology from the world`s leading laboratories, The Plant Journal provides a dynamic forum for this ever growing international research community.
Plant science research is now at the forefront of research in the biological sciences, with breakthroughs in our understanding of fundamental processes in plants matching those in other organisms. The impact of molecular genetics and the availability of model and crop species can be seen in all aspects of plant biology. For publication in The Plant Journal the research must provide a highly significant new contribution to our understanding of plants and be of general interest to the plant science community. All areas of plant biology are welcome and the experimental approaches used can be wide-ranging. While The Plant Journal recognizes the importance of biotechnology for plant improvement, it does not publish full research papers that do not provide fundamental advances in plant biology.
- The Plant Journal has no handling or page charges.
- Register to receive an email alert when your article is published online.
Average time from submission to first decision is just 26 days!
plant journal, the, biochemistry, botany, cell biology, genetic engineering, genetic, genetics, molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiology, phytopathology, plant pathology, plants
Abstracting and Indexing Information
* Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (CABI)
* Academic Search (EBSCO)
* Academic Search Premier (EBSCO) 

Call for Papers: Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics

Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics Overview
The journal publishes original articles by international scientists on the progress of research in animal production, quantitative genetics, biology, and evolution of domestic animals. Researchers, teachers, and the animal breeding industry will find the reports of interest. Book reviews appear in many issues.
Aims and Scope
The journal publishes original articles by international scientists on the progress of research in animal production, quantitative genetics, biology, and evolution of domestic animals. Researchers, teachers, and the animal breeding industry will find the reports of interest. Book reviews appear in many issues.
A supplemental series Advances in Animal Breeding and Genetics/Fortschritte in der Tierzüchtung und Züchtungsbiologie is published at irregular intervals.
Fields of interest: Theoretical and applied animal breeding and related fields.
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, animal, production, genetic, biology, evolution, domestic, breeding
Abstracting and Indexing Information
* Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (CABI)
* Academic Search (EBSCO)
* Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
* AgBiotech News and Information (AgBiotech)
* AgBiotechNet (CABI)
* AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library)
* Agricultural Engineering Abstracts (CABI)
* AGRIS Database (FAO)
* Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)
* Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
* Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)
* BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)
* Biotechnology & Bioengineering Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
* CAB Abstracts® (CABI)

Call for Papers: Review of International Economics

Review of International Economics Overview
Aims and Scope
The Review of International Economics is devoted to the publication of high-quality articles covering a full range of topics in international economics including both controversial and innovative ideas and detailed contributions from other directly related fields such as economic development; trade and the environment; and political economy. Whether theoretical, empirical or policy oriented, its relevance to real world problems is a paramount concern.
WHY YOU SHOULD READ Review of International Economics
Review of International Economics is a well respected journal in its field, it will keep you up-to-date with the latest research and analysis. It will bring you coverage of a wide range of topics including:
* trade theory
* commercial policy
* factor movements
* multinational firms
* economic integration
* exchange rates
* trade and finance problems of developing countries
* agricultural trade
* open economy macro issues
* WTO negotiations
* adjustment problems of transition economies
Review of International Economics has already become essential reading for many people throughout the world. Notable social science faculties and research institutions, as well as international trade organizations and graduate teachers and researchers already subscribe. These people, like you, need access to current, important debate within the field - debate which Review of International Economics provides. To ensure that you are kept up-to-date enter your subscription now by clicking on the Subscribe/Renew link in the left-hand column.
economics, development, world, trade, review, developing, world, countries, transition, economies, applied, policy, growth, theory, natural, resources, economic, integration, globalization, WTO, technology, exchange, income, journal, research, analysis, periodical, article 

Call for Papers: JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies

JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies Overview
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies is the leading journal in the field, publishing high quality, and accessible articles on the latest European Integration issues. For 40 years it has been the forum for the development and evaluation of theoretical and empirical issues in the politics and economics of European integration, focusing principally on developments within the EU. JCMS is committed to deepening the theoretical understanding of European integration and aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between political science, economics and international relations, including the various sub disciplines such as international political economy. Each year a special book issue is devoted to a comprehensive review of the activities of the European Union in the previous year.
Aims and Scope
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies is the leading journal in the field, publishing high quality, and accessible articles on the latest European Integration issues. For 40 years the Journal has been the forum for the development and evaluation of theoretical and empirical issues in the politics and economics of European integration, focusing principally on developments within the EU.
JCMS aims to achieve a disciplinary balance between political science, economics and international relations, including the various sub disciplines such as international political economy. The editors are also open to submissions based in other social science of legal disciplines. In addition to mainstream theoretical and empirical articles, the JCMS publishes shorter pieces in its European Agenda section which focus on specific policy areas or which report the results of specialised research projects. Each year a special issue is devoted to a comprehensive review of the activities of the European Union in the previous year.
JCMS is committed to deepening the theoretical understanding of European integration. It will continue to develop as the primary forum for the analysis of all aspects relating to the process of European integration. 

Call for Papers: Australian Journal of Rural Health

Australian Journal of Rural Health Overview
Published on behalf of the National Rural Health Alliance for: Rural Nursing and Midwifery Faculty, Royal College of Nursing Australia, Council of Remote Area Nurses of Australia Inc. (CRANA), and Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH).
The Australian Journal of Rural Health is a multidisciplinary journal, which aims to facilitate the formation of interdisciplinary networks to build and advance rural practice for all health professionals.
In 1999 the Australian Journal of Rural Health became the official journal of the National Rural Health Alliance, which is the peak body for rural and remote health organisations in Australia.
`Rural health is an important and dynamic concern in Australia and around the world. The Australian Journal of Rural Health provides a wonderful mix of practical and academic medical, nursing and other health articles. This provides interesting and useful reading for those in rural practice and those involved in rural health care education, planning and development internationally. I look forward to each issue.`
James T. B. Rourke, MD, CCFP(EM), MCISc, FCFP, FAAFP, Rural Family Physician, Goderich, Ontario, Canada
Aims and Scope
The Australian Journal of Rural Health publishes articles in the field of rural health. It facilitates the formation of interdisciplinary networks, so that rural health professionals can form a cohesive group and work together for the advancement of rural practice, in all health disciplines. The Journal aims to establish a national and international reputation for the quality of its scholarly discourse and its value to rural health professionals. All articles, unless otherwise identified, are peer reviewed by at least two researchers expert in the field of the submitted paper.
The Journal is taken by subscribers in Canada, Japan, USA and the United Kingdom. Readership includes general practitioners, nurses, allied health professionals, pharmacists, health administrators, universities, rural health units and libraries.
`Rural health is an important and dynamic concern in Australia and around the world. The Australian Journal of Rural Health provides a wonderful mix of practical and academic medical, nursing and other health articles. This provides interesting and useful reading for those in rural practice and those involved in rural health care education, planning and development internationally. I look forward to each issue.`
James T. B. Rourke, MD, CCFP(EM), MCISc, FCFP, FAAFP, Rural Family Physician, Goderich, Ontario, Canada.

Call for Papers: Journal of Fish Biology

Journal of Fish Biology Overview
The Journal of Fish Biology is a leading international, peer-review journal for scientists engaged in all aspects of fish biology. Ranked in 2008 amongst the 100 most influential journals of Biology & Medicine over the last 100 years by the Special Libraries Association - Biomedical and Life Sciences Division (SLA-DBIO), the journal encompasses all aquatic ecosystems: marine, estuarine and fresh water.
Aims and Scope
The Journal of Fish Biology is a leading international journal for scientists engaged in all aspects of fishes and fisheries research, both fresh water and marine. The journal publishes high-quality papers relevant to the central theme of fish biology and aims to bring together under one cover an overall picture of the research in progress and to provide international communication among researchers in many disciplines with a common interest in the biology of fish.
Research Areas Include: Aquaculture; Behaviour; Biochemistry; Diseases; Distribution; Ecology; Genetics; Growth; Immunology; Migration; Morphology; Parasitology; Physiology; Pollution; Population studies; Reproduction; Taxonomy; Toxicology.
Fish, biology, ecology, marine, shellfish, freshwater, conservation, aquaculture, fisheries, molecular biology, genetics
Abstracting and Indexing Information
* Academic Search (EBSCO)
* Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
* AgBiotech News and Information (AgBiotech)
* AgBiotechNet (CABI)
* AGRIS Database (FAO)
* Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)
* Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI) 

Call for Papers: Journal of Applied Microbiology

Journal of Applied Microbiology Overview
Aims and Scope
Journal of Applied Microbiology publishes high quality research and review papers on novel aspects of applied microbiology, including environmental, food, agricultural, medical, pharmaceutical, veterinary, soil, systematics, water and biodeterioration. Papers reporting work on all microorganisms, including viruses, are welcomed providing they demonstrate new findings of significance to the field as a whole.
journal of applied microbiology, agriculture, bacteriology, biotechnology, diagnostic techniques, fermentation industry, foodborne disease, food science, genetic, genetics, immunodiagnostics, microbiology, applied microbiology, veterinary microbiology
Abstracting and Indexing Information
* Abstracts in Anthropology (Baywood Publishing)
* Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (CABI)
* Academic Search (EBSCO)
* Academic Search Premier (EBSCO)
* AgBiotech News and Information (AgBiotech)
* AgBiotechNet (CABI)
* AGRICOLA Database (National Agricultural Library)
* Agricultural Engineering Abstracts (CABI)
* AGRIS Database (FAO)
* Agroforestry Abstracts (CABI)
* Animal Breeding Abstracts (CABI)
* Aqualine Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
* ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts
* BIOBASE: Current Awareness in Biological Sciences (Elsevier)
* Biocontrol News and Information (CABI)
* Biofuels Abstracts (CABI)
* Biological & Agricultural Index Plus (HW Wilson)
* Biological Abstracts (Thomson Reuters)
* BIOSIS Previews (Thomson Reuters)
* Biotechnology & Bioengineering Abstracts (CSA/CIG)
* Biotechnology Citation Index™ (Thomson Reuters)