Sunday, 27 November 2011

Call for Papers:International Conference on Higher Education

International Conference on Higher Education The International Conference on Higher Education was created on the initiative of İhsan Doğramacı, eminent Turkish pediatrician and educator, in 1981. It is a meeting of minds on significant issues in higher education, primarily university governance. It assembles experts in higher education (heads/administrators of higher education institutions, scholars, researchers and representatives of interested organizations and foundations).
The Conference is international with participants from all corners of the world, including North and Latin America, Western and Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
The Conference is independent, not linked to any national or international organization. It is a free forum for the exchange of opinions and experiences, views, and new trends in higher education and its management.
1) Definitions:
"I.C.H.E." stands for International Conference on Higher Education.
"President", "Honorary President" and "Secretary General" stand for the President, Honorary President and Secretary General of the I.C.H.E., respectively.
"One year" indicates the period between two meetings of the Conference, which may be more or less than 365 days.
"Bureau" means Bureau of the I.C.H.E..
2) Purpose:
The purpose of the I.C.H.E. is to bring together academic executives, academics and others interested in higher education at regular meetings, normally once a year, to discuss different aspects of higher education including problems, their solutions, and any other aspects which may be felt relevant. 

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