Sunday, 27 November 2011

Call for Papers:Product: Management & Develop­ment

Product: Management & Develop­ment SCOPE AND POLICY
The purpose of the Product: Management & Develop­ment is to the publication of original papers and review papers covering technological and scientific research related to management of product development.
The Journal publishes original contributions in the form of full-length articles, review articles, book reviews and letters to editor. Authors must agree not to publish elsewhere an article submitted and accepted by the Journal. Articles previ­ously published in proceedings of conferences can also be considered for publication; the event should be cited as a footnote on a title page. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their article is transferred to Product: Management & Development if and when the article is accepted for publication. Three to five referees will review each manuscript submitted. It will be the responsibil­ity of the Editors to interpret the assessment.
Manuscripts and correspondence should be sent to the Editor. Four copies of the article are required. Authors are also requested to send a copy of the article in Word for Win­dows through a 3.5” diskette, zip disk or CD-ROM. It is im­perative that the electronic file contains all figures, graphics, tables and mathematical equations appearing in the article. Manuscripts should be submitted only in English.
A manuscript submitted for publication should be accom­panied by a cover page containing the full name of the author(s), the author for contact, institution address, phone number, e-mail address.
The papers should be writes in the third person in an objec­tive, formal and impersonal style. SI units should be used.
Manuscripts should be typed doubled-space, on one side of the page, using A4 sized paper, with 2,5 cm margins and font Times New Roman with point size 12. The pages should be numbered and not to excess twenty-for (24), including tables, figures and bibliographical references.
Manuscripts should be begin with title, followed by an abstract of the not more than 200 words: covering the aims of the work, methods used, results obtained and main con­clusions reached. From three to five keywords, for informa­tion retrieval purposes, should be indicated. The manuscripts should not contain the authors’ names. The body of the paper should be organized into logical sections sequentially numbered with no more than two grades of subheadings. Each section should be beginning on separate page: title, abstract and keywords; text; attachments; bibliographical references. Do not include footnotes.
References should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication. Either use “Recent work (NONAKA AND TAKEUCHI, 2000)…” or “Recently NONAKA AND TAKEUCHI (2000)…”. With four (4) or more names, use the form “NONAKA ET AL. (2000)…”. If two or more references would have the same identification, distinguish them by appending “a”, “b”, etc., to the year of publication.
Acceptable references include jour­nal articles, numbered papers, dissertations, thesis, published conference proceedings, preprints from conferences, books, submitted articles, if the journal is identified, and private com­munications.
Upon notification of acceptance, authors should submit two copies of final version and final manuscript disks in Word for Windows.

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