Monday, 28 November 2011

Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications

Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications Aims and Scope
The Journal of Media Psychology (JMP, ISSN 1864-1105) is committed to publishing original, high-quality papers which cover the broad range of media psychological research, including various media, applications, and user groups. The journal is also open to research from neighboring disciplines as far as this work ties in with psychological concepts of the uses and effects of the media. The journal in particular invites submissions that are multidisciplinary and reflect a broader theoretical and methodological spectrum. Submissions of comparative work, e.g., cross-media, cross-gender, or cross-cultural, are encouraged. Publications of original empirical studies are accompanied by theoretical and state-of-the-art review articles. To ensure short turn-around cycles for manuscript review and fast publication, the Journal of Media Psychology relies heavily upon electronic communication and information exchange, starting from electronic submission and continuing throughout the entire review and production process.
Tradition and Innovation
The Journal of Media Psychology builds up on almost 20 years of tradition and experience in publishing high-quality research in the Zeitschrift für Medienpsychologie (ZMP). While ZMP focused on German and European media research, JMP takes up the challenges of the more globalized and globalizing media world by offering an international publication platform. JMP has an internationally renowned team of editors and reviewers from all the relevant areas of media psychology, to cover a broad spectrum of research and to ensure the highest scientific standards. 

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