Sunday, 27 November 2011

Call for Papers: Progress in Systems and Informatics

Progress in Systems and Informatics Location
The physical facilities of the Faculty are distributed mainly in the Campus Robledo, and has two buildings on Central Campus. The Campus Robledo, Robledo also called Core, or more popularly as the School of Mines, is located to the north - west of the city of Medellin, Robledo neighborhood is composed of three fields separated by Race 80, which presents a high vehicular traffic hindering pedestrian connection between the properties that make up the physical structure of the School of Mines, and Ingeominas, recently integrated into the National University. Robledo Campus has an area of ​​71,376 m², generous open spaces, pedestrian areas and green areas.
For 2020, the School of Mines displays a country with greater technological capability, technological learning accumulated derived based on the solution of complex problems. Consolidating the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation will be the basis for an indigenous technology development, which will be reflected in a more prosperous and better living.
School`s contribution to building that vision passes through the training of leaders graduates, the contribution to scientific and technical knowledge to solve major national problems, strengthening the contribution of engineering to generate wealth through innovation and technological development.
To train professionals with undergraduate and graduate design capacity. Develop research and university extension, to encourage innovation and technological development and knowledge generation in the different branches of engineering and contribute to the solution of national problems, the utilization of the country`s resources and improving the quality of life of the population.
Our graduates must also have the professional and scientific excellence, good human, sensitivity to environmental problems and ability to innovate. Technological innovation will be present, as a result of research projects in research and extension and extension to be developed in the Faculty must comply with international standards and be socially relevant.
Graduates must have the seal of the College represented in its motto: "Work and Righteousness" and its tradition in leading the development of the country.

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