Wednesday 28 December 2011

anzea Conference 2012 Call for Papers

anzea Conference 2012 The anzea Conference 2012 will be held at the University of Waikato in Hamilton, 8-11 July 2012.
The theme is Evaluation in the real world - relationships, roles, responsibilities and results.
What does evaluation look like in the real world? How do perceptions of the world differ amonsgt evaluation practitioners and those we work with and for, and how do we acknowledge, understand and evaluate within these multiple realities? What are the practicalities, challenges and opportunities we face commissioning, designing, implementing and experiencing evaluation in this real world?
anzea Conference 2012 invites you to dig deeper into what happens in the `real ` world of evaluation, and what the challenges and opportunities are for the evaluation community in serving and relating to real communities and real people.
anzea`s services, roles and functions
* An annual conference (national, or provided as regional symposia)
* Professional development and education including training workshops, seminars and other events
* A website with information about relevant conference and events nationally and internationally
* anzea evaluation digest - Karearea - published twice a year
* Development of an online information resource library
* Regional Branch events
* A newsletter published three times per year
* A bulletin service advising job vacancies and available tenders
* Local activities (seminars etc.)
* Local networking and professional support
* Professional development/professional education
* Membership recruitment and retention
* Leadership in evaluation (e.g. enhancing visibility and accessibility of Aotearoa New Zealand evaluation theory and practice)
* Development and utilisation of Aotearoa New Zealand evaluation theory and models of evaluation practice (e.g. local, bicultural, multicultural, international)
* Working to develop evaluation capacity in communities and nationally
* Professional development coordination and provision (e.g. coordinating training opportunities)
* Professional support services across anzea regions
* Advocacy and public education
* Development of national standards for effective and ethical practice
* An annual national evaluation conference
* Resource development and management

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