Thursday 1 December 2011

IJTAM - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Call for Papers

IJTAM - International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics The International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IJTAM) is an international research journal, which publishes top-level work from all areas of theoretical and applied mechanics including theoretical, computational, and experimental aspects, as well as theoretical modeling, methods of analysis and instrumentation. It includes basic discipline-oriented areas such as dynamics, continuum mechanics, solid and fluid mechanics, structures, heat transfer, tribology, geomechanics, and biomechanics, as well as inter-disciplinary subjects such as new numerical and computational techniques, systems control technology, engineering design tools, manufacturing technology, materials and energy technology, and environmental engineering.
Journal publishes research articles and reviews within the whole field of mechanical sciences, and it will continue to provide information on the latest trends and developments in this ever-expanding subject.
Publication Date and Frequency: Three issues per year.
Submission: Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically to with mention journal title (IJTAM) in subject line.


  1. I have already published an article in IJTAM( VOL1.N°1), and I see that we can't read it and we can't see the abstract , I think that is a big mistake to work like this, if somme one published on your journal, first he payed money and than no body can cited or interested to his papers because there is no abstract, so your journal became a GREAT SCAM!!!?.

    In hope that you will overcome this, accept my best regards.

    Dr: T.Y

  2. I have already published an article in IJTAM( VOL1.N°1), and I see that we can't read it and we can't see the abstract , I think that is a big mistake to work like this, if some one published on your journal,no body can interested to his papers because there is no abstract. So this journal is a big deception.
