Monday 26 December 2011

Engineering, Philosophy, and Ethics of the Knowledge Society in Search For a Spiritual Turn Call for Papers

Engineering, Philosophy, and Ethics of the Knowledge Society in Search For a Spiritual Turn The newly introduced SRFIT & EPHES-C (Engineering Philosophy & Ethics in Society Research Center) series of conferences intend to be a place to debate and share common concerns of researchers from different sciences, engineering, philosophy and humanities, when trying to capture the high sense for the human being in the knowledge society. Our times could be described as the Engineers and Entrepreneurs Era. During the contemporary crisis, the search for meaning and spirituality in the very core of the complexity of the being are bringing together philosophy, engineering, complex studies and ethics in a privileged way: a way able to bring new insights to the search of possible answers to the question: Is there a spiritual turn in in the information era?
We are inviting you to participate in one of the following tracks:
1. Knowledge, morality and signs
2. Is there a philosophy/ethics in the making?
3. Transmuhamisn versus Philosophy?
4. Ortho-existence (Mihai Draganescu) & transmodernism (Basarab Nicolesco)
5. The Ethics of Research and Teaching in Engineering
Due to the generous support offered by some local sponsors, the registration fees will be of 25 euros (covering the access to talks, seminaries and roundtables for three days and the book of abstract) and 25 euros for the special social program (1 day trip in the beautiful Bucovina).
Important dates:
Extended submission deadline: January 31 2012
(400-500 words abstract)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 15 2012
Registration deadline: February 20 2012
Due to the same generous local sponsors you will have free food!
However, you will have to pay for your accommodation.
Scientific Committee: (still under completion)
- Yolanda Angulo, Centro de Estudios Genealogicos, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
- Diab Al-Badayneh, Muta’h University, Jordan
- Gheorghe Clitan, Vest University, Timisoara Romania
- Aurel Codoban, "Dimitrie Cantemir" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- Mihai Dimian, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
- Adrian Graur - Rector of the "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
- Viorel Guliciuc, Romanian Society for Philosophy, Engineering and Technoethics, Suceava, Romania
- Lorenzo Magnani, Department of Philosophy and Computational Philosophy Laboratory, University of Pavia, Italy
- Florin Munteanu, Center for Complex Studies, Bucharest, Romania
- Rodica Nagy, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
- Basarab Nicolesco, CNRS, Paris, France
- Nikolay Omelchenko, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
- Valentin Popa, "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
- Colin T. A. Schmidt, Le Mans University , Le Mans, France
- Traian-Dinorel Stanciulescu, Romanian Semiotic Society, Romania

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